Mondays, 6-7:30
October 16, 23
October 30 - Online Only
November 6, 13, and 27
Online via Zoom and In Person
Tibet House US
We’ll all face unexpected and unwanted circumstances from time to time—a health crisis, an accident, or sudden change in housing, employment, or relationship. Kimberly Brown, meditation teacher and author of Steady, Calm, and Brave: 25 Buddhist Practices for Wisdom and Resilience in a Crisis, created this course to provide you with the resources and tools you need to meet difficulty with clarity and courage. You’ll learn to support yourself and others through meditation, mindfulness exercises, and compassion practices drawn from the Buddhist tradition. These simple and effective tools will enable you to keep your heart open while keeping your feet on the ground, so you can make sensible decisions without feeling defeated or becoming overwhelmed.
Details and registration: