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Love and Healing for the World - Online

With Mindful Astoria:

The job of a Bodhisattva includes connecting with as many beings as possible; directly through beneficial words and deeds, and indirectly through intentions and aspirations. At this time, we can connect with the sick, the afraid, the hungry, the healthcare workers and everyone on the planet impacted by this pandemic through our wise and compassionate intentions and aspirations.

Each week on Sunday and Tuesday mornings, Kim will lead us in a guided metta practice, radiating love and healing in all directions for everyone suffering and struggling during this pandemic. No experience is necessary. All you need is your good heart.

If you join us for this online program, please practice generosity by offering financial support (we suggest $5-$10 per event) via Venmo to address: @meditationwithheart. This will enable us to continue offering programs, and to continue to give donations to Astoria First Presbyterian Church--our Wednesday night home--while their space is closed. (No one will ever be turned away due to lack of funds).

Join Zoom Meeting

April 30

Metta for (Self)Compassion at Shantideva Center ONLINE

May 3

Opening Your Heart Livestream with @Warriorflowofficial